What can really motivate you?

I know that getting motivated is easy but keeping the strength of motivation throughout is not a piece of cake. So i want to give you a feeling to being really motivated.
I will tell you a short story. 
The story begins with the preparation of gate exam. 
Let me tell you in brief about gate exam. It is one of the toughest and prestigious exam of India. Through gate you can get a job in various multinational companies in India, gate exam is also a gateway of entry into India's prestigious institute i.e. IITs and NITs.
So i enrolled myself into the madeeasy classroom course for gate 2020.

My economical condition was worst. My father gave me all their saving so that i could enroll in the program. The amount was huge for a lower class family.In the month of March 2019 i paid 90,000 and joined the  classroom course.Once Upon A Time, Writer, Author, Story 
Now starts my preparation phase, in the beginning i was very curious and enjoying my study, asked many doubts which had come to my mind. And also the faculty was very helpful and knowledgeable. 
This went for only upto 2 months. After that as the no. of subjects went on completing, the previous subjects were losing from my mind. I could not manage to revise them even once a week. The class schedule wbich used to be 4 hours a day earlier changed. Now the class were lengthy upto 12 hrs per day. The classes were scheduled even on holidays also. So this stage was very exhausting.


During my preparation i fell in love with a girl in the same classroom. She was pretty and beautiful. At first i would only look at her lovely face and eyes. This went to for 1 week then she realised that i was looking at her. Now we both felt comfortable looking at each other. But wait we haven't talked to each other yet. I told my friends that i like her and they told me her names. Her name was Manisha. I don't know how they got jer name. But now i gathered more information about her. I realised that she was 1 year senior to me. I was in 4th year and she had passed out of college recently.

I enjoyed wandering after her with my friends during the break period and lunchtime. Christmas Cookies, Cinnamon Stars, Cookies, Pastries 

I did not stocked her, some of you might have thought that. I only looked at her, with love and smile and she also smiled sometimes. My friends always tried to push me to start a conversation but i failed to initiate it. 
One day in the break time i went to her with some courage and asked her for tea.Tea, Hot, Cup, Table, Tea-Time, Break 

She instantly replied no. I was shocked then i turned towards my friends, in the meanwhile her friends told her to go and have tea with me. Thank god she said yes after that. We enjoyed the tea, but i was very nervous and asked my friends to accompany me. Then i asked about her college and birthplace and so did she. 
After that day we used to go together and drink tea. And i started sitting her surroundings areas.

I lost my dream of cracking gate exam. I thought she was everything to me. I asked her about the no. and she gave me that. We used to talk late night. Whatever i learnt in the class, i did not revise it anytime. As the exams were approaching my heartbeat increased, i was  not able to practice numerical. Lots of tension and worries surrounded me. I was crying in my room. In the meanwhile my friends told me that my girlfriend was found with some other guys from his college. I was shocked, how can she do this to me. I asked her another day in the class, she said that she had already a boyfriend. At the very moment all my love and faith towards her faded. Many weird thoughts came to my mind. But i escaped from there went to my room and cryed. I told my friends, they said don't worry bro if one goes another will come. I felt slightly light and comfortable.

From the next day onwards i stopped talking to her and even looking at her. I blocked her no. also. She came to me and asked what the matter. I was silent for a while and then replied that i want concentrate on my studies. She said she could help me but i denied. I remembered how my father gave me that money to study there. I changed my workplan, i started focusing in the class and then solved all the numericals which was covered in the class.

 As my previous subjects were very weak, i decided to picked one subject from previous one and one of current time and gave them equal time and in this way i was able to cover the full syllabus by January. Our class also ended in January. Now i had to revise and give mock tests. And after month the gate exam came,i. e. On 9th March, I appeared in the paper, it was moderate but i could not make it very well due to lack of rigorous practice. The result of gate came a month later, i managed to secure 55 marks out of 100,my rank was 12395 all over India.

I accepted the bitter truth that inorder to excell the exam i had to focus and practice continuously. 
So my veiwers, i hope you like my story. I am still preparing for Gate 2021.Now i have also applied for admission in IIT Roorkee for M. Tech program.I have learnt through stages and shall keep on learning. What i have to do for now is to focus only on studies. Life is not simple for a student from a below average family and so i need to work accordingly to my fullest capacity so that i won't have to regret in the future. A person in the society is recognised not only by his ancestral property or behaviour but also by his own designation. 



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